her name was adleen (video)

5:39 PM

to you they mean spring but to me they mean winter

they mean pink blankets

and teacups

that hit the ground a little sooner than you hoped

they mean teacups

and white dogs

and every stolen chocolate from grandma's pantry

but they mostly mean birthdays

her name was adleen

and she was 2

and she was almost 3 

but she thought she was 8

because she danced like she was 8

because she sang like she was 8

because she spoke about angels like she was 8

and we celebrated her birthday every monday

for 8 mondays

and her favorite insect was a butterfly

because they flew to her

because they always flew to her

she held butterflies in her hands







and she was

and her name was adleen

and her birthday was every monday

because we knew

they'd stop coming

and they did.

Today marks 7 years since Sarah's passing. I made this video today in remembrance of her. It explains every piece of the poem. 

I love you sweet Sarah!

January 16 2006 - December 9 2008


  1. This is incredible. She's adorable. And the part about butterflies hits me hard. Love you Madeline. So much.
