
9:39 PM

when i was younger my biggest fear was that a shark would eat me while i was in the shower.

(don't ask)

and i learned in elementary that sharks always attack when they smell blood.
whenever i had a bloody nose i would cry.

so i ruled out any kind of medical career years ago.
i don't know if it's because I lose all control of my body at the sight of blood, or because I would never pass any kind of biology class.

and now im just scared of sharks and blood and everything.
but mostly anything that's less than perfect
and to be a perfectionist means to be addicted to never being good enough.

and trust me,
he's the scariest thing.

he'll take you away from friday night football and ever wanting to try sushi
he'll take you away from feeling good in purple and he won't let that go
he'll lurk under your bed, and when the timings right, he'll creep into your skull and chip away any part that ever thought you could have been something extraoridnary.

he'll tell you you're ugly,

you're not good enough,

and darling i would floss before people see those teeth.

he'll keep you up till 2, or 3, or 4 cause you've finished all your homework but you could've done so much better.

and all your wounds will be sewn up by friends and good company, but somehow he'll always find ways to get ahold of scissors and rubbing alcohol.

he'll stab you in the back,
but you'll always catch him.

because when have you ever looked in the mirror when he wasn't?


  1. Thanks for writing this.

    The line "to be a perfectionist means to be addicted to never being good enough" gave me chills

  2. I think I peed my pants when I saw that picture. This is a crazy good post.

  3. and trust me,
    he's the scariest thing.

    he'll take you away from friday night football and ever wanting to try sushi
    he'll take you away from feeling good in purple and he won't let that go
    he'll lurk under your bed, and when the timings right, he'll creep into your skull and chip away any part that ever thought you could have ever been something extraordinary.

    I loved the transition from the first line to your fear of perfection. Love the way your brain works.

  4. chills every single time
    "and all your wounds will be sewn by friends and good company, but somehow he'll always find ways to get ahold of scissors and rubbing alcohol."
    and the last line is killer

  5. "and trust me, protection, he's the scariest thing"
    I love this. so true.
    also that picture is going to give me nightmares.

  6. Killin it. YES. Just YES to everything.

  7. The picture literally made me so scared I think I need to sleep with a light on.

  8. SO GOOD!!! Hilarious at the beginning, but then... wow that was really good.

    "and all your wounds will be sewn up by friends and good company, but somehow he'll always find ways to get ahold of scissors and rubbing alcohol"

    Yes. Yes. and yes again.

  9. I wish I knew how to transition as beautifully as you do. This post haunts me.
