
1:39 AM

you call me "night owl" because anything past 10 is kinda my thing. and you make it sound like it's irrational, but I've never not caught you staying up until the very last minute of jimmy Fallon. 

and some nights I watch it with you. The nights that I'm not wasting time on my phone or with some friends, and honestly sometimes I think the whole thing is pretty stupid. But I love how much you love it, and I swear every chuckle or knee slap you do can get my mind off almost anything 

Your favorite color is boring, but I guess mine is too. You buy the same shirt in like 15 colors or the same pair of pants 3 times, and it might sound like I'm making fun of you, but I'm not, or else that would make me a hypocrite. 

You suck at typing but you know how to make a killer sandwich. Your singing skills aren't necessarily top shelf, but that's always where my phone seems to go when you take it away. 

and I'm sorry you always have to take it away 

and im sorry your rules sometimes go in one ear out the other 

and im sorry if you ever felt like I didn't love you 

because even though im always late for school
even though I've always loved the same boy you hate, and don't come home on curfew, and even though most times, when you ask me to hot tub with you, i say no 

i will always love you 

and when im gone, make sure you close the garage door and set the alarm. don't just leave your dish in the sink! Is alejandra gonna clean that up? Please, turn the laundry room light off, and always tell mom that you love her 

i might not miss much when i leave for college

but i will miss our late night talks, and every "goodnight kiddo" you always seem to say after. 

I love you dad, happy birthday.