i've never cried over fireworks

12:39 AM


i wrote this last year on the fourth of july. i remember it like it was yesterday. 

this was when i first started writing so it's kind of weird, and some of the metaphors make me gag, but oh well,

because this is for sixteen,

and for thinking i was broken. 

and the fourth came again. 

and i still think they're angels, and i still don't watch soccer, and every weekend, you're always still wearing that same damn hat. 

the fourth came again and i cried over fireworks,

but this time

you never complimented my eyes,

because this time 

you saw yourself in them. 


  1. I cannot tell you how beautiful this is. I haven't read something that has impacted me as much as this did in a long long time. Thank you.

  2. I aspire to write as well as you did a year ago. And honestly the end of this hit hard. Just that last line..

    you saw yourself in them.


  3. ahhhhhhh so good. so so good.

  4. I see headlights in the distance and I think they're angels

    ah Madeline

  5. I would pay good money to own a book of your masterpieces.

    Amazing. Really.
